Thursday 22 March 2012

Shock: No Excessive Salary For Minister Phil Hogan's Household Charge Special Adviser - Calls For National Strike

Rio: There was shock throughout Ireland today, when it was revealed that Minister Phil Hogan has not been breaking the government enforced pay cap through payments to his Special Adviser on the Household Charge.

Minister Phil Hogan Sneering Yesterday
 Rio Ramone of Porn Crab Combo Consulting spoke out today, "I was hired, in a professional capacity by Minister Phil Hogan as a Special Adviser to assist with PR surrounding the Household Charge. I have many years experience in the area of foisting unwarranted laws and taxes upon people, so I knew I could assist Minister Hogan. I was instructing him in what we, in the PR world, call the Soft Pinochet approach and it was working very well. I found, to my horror however, that my first pay packet did not include a bonus top up to break the government pay cap. All other government advisers receive the bonus top up. It's Special Adviser Industry Standard. I have called for a National General Strike because not only did my salary not exceed the agreed pay cap but I actually never received a red cent from Minister Phil Hogan.  Not even for my Special Advice to stick his Household Tax demands and his bullyboy tactics up the high end of his  hole and to fuck off while he was doing it. My worker's rights have been violated. All out!"

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